Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Biblio Reboot

I started this site exactly two years ago as a way to motivate myself to read, write and connect with other bibliophiles. I loved it and I met many interesting and kindred spirits. And then... Things started to get a little bit busy. My thesis and graduation from grad school. Our move across the country. A new job. A proposal. A promotion. Each time I've thought I was starting to find my footing, a new and exciting adventure would come along and sweep me away.

I've still been reading, I just haven't been as vigilant about writing. But I'd like to come back into the fold and begin again. Things are still going to be busy: I'm getting married in June and we're looking to buy our first house. But as I reflect on what's truly important to me and what makes me happy, I'd like to renew my commitment to the reading community.

I look forward to putting together a "Best of 2013" Reading list sometime this month. Expect regular reviews to begin again in January.

Please feel free to leave a comment to let me know you've dropped by. I'd love to become reacquainted.

Currently reading:
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
Wolf Hall by Hillary Mantel
The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury by Robert Kirkman


Elisa said...

Wow, wonderful things happening in your life! Congratulations and welcome back :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Elisa! And thank you for stopping by :)